Friday, July 31, 2009

Interesting Tid Bits...

Home-made Mosquito Spray...
I got an interesting e-mail stating that listerine mouth wash can be used as misquito repellant.

This was a testimonial from a friend:)

Worth a try... I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby. During the summer, I don't leave home without it.....Pass it on.

Anyways, give it a try and see how it works for you :)


Krista said...

Will do, that's awesome!! :-) They have been a real problem this year, well pretty much every year, actually! haha!

Unknown said...

Good as it sounds, it's a myth!