Monday, April 4, 2011


  I have a major love of fruits and vegetables. Major. I am a part of a produce co-op that my church does every 2 weeks. It's $15 and you get a laundry basket full of produce. The basket is different every time based on who is shopping.

I got my basket today.

And then I also went to Sprouts (a grocery store/local farmers distributer/kind of) to pick up some additional items.

Here's what my laundry basket looked like (the bag holds green beans):

How do I make dinner based on a basket of produce I didn't get to pick out?

I let the food inspire me.

Here's what dinners I see based on this table of food:

Chicken pot pie - green beans, corn, broccoli.
Italian sausage soup - zuchinni, kale
Grilled chicken salad - bell peppers, lettuce, tomatoes
Kabobs - squash, tomatoes, zuchinni, peppers
Fajitas - peppers, jalapenos
broiled tilapia w/ veggies - asparagus, salad, broccoli, corn
sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, and a side of sweet potato fries and corn on the cob!

and for the fruit??
blueberry muffins/pancakes
strawberries with yogurt and granola
grilled pineapple
apples and oranges to munch on
strawberry shortcake

Here's to eating clean!

And to yummy food!!

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